
Monday 12 January 2015

How to revise.

Okay, I understand that I'm only in year 10, and so far in my school life I haven't had any real exams to revise for that will account for anything. Yet it's been half a year since I started my GCSE's, and I've been tested quite often on various subjects, therefore needing to revise quite a few times. Here is Maya's perfect guide to revision!

1. Find out when your test is.
This is the first step as you should from then on be able to plan out your revision. If you find out you have a test in 2 weeks time, it's already time to start preparing!
2. Take your books home
Some of my teachers don't agree with me taking my books home, but I just nag and nag until they let me! If you have your books on you, you should be able to flick through them every once in a while to remind yourself of things.
3. Prepare your study area.
So here's to the time when you need to start revising. You need an area thats comfortable and relaxing, somewhere where you enjoy being.
On my desk, I have a bright light so I can see everything, and a comfy chair! I have a neat pile of all my books, and I usually get a nice cup of tea and some biscuits while I study.
4. Get your resources.
For most my subjects, I have a revision guide that I use religiously!
I reccomend that if you don't have revision guides, you get them! Ask your teacher for your exam board and look up books on the internet.
5. Start revising!
I often read over the pages of my revision guides, or copy the main points out onto lined paper in colours or spider diagrams to make it look pretty!
Sometimes, if I struggle with a particular topic I will make a poster on it, or draw pictures to help me memorise parts.  I also find revision cards helpful.
I've heard people talk about how they record their own voice to listen back on, which helps them memorise things, or teach others about the subject in order to get to grips with it themselves. Also, some people prefer to make question and answer cards, with a question on one side and an answer on the other to test themselves.
I reccomend that you try each method to find which one helps you the most!
6. Look on the internet!
Okay, I'll admit that not everywhere is going to be useful, and there are plenty of distractions along the way that will totally put you off course- Trust me, it's happened before.
BBC bitesize is usually my place to start- it's got the perfect amount of revision, tasks and questions to teach you everything you need!
Also, take a look on youtube! MyGcseScience is a great channel that will help you through C1, B1 and P1, and I can't thank this channel enough for helping me get A's, and an A*!
HEGARTYMATHS is another good channel that will help you through your GCSE maths exams, and I regually use this channel to recap things in class that I haven't quite understood.
Finally, I cannot thank MrBruff enough for the things he has taught me about English!
These are a few of my personal preferances, however I'm sure there are plenty of other channels or websites that can help you, why don't you share them in the comments?
For this, you will need to know your exam board, so do ask your teacher beforehand. If you go onto your exam board's website and find the subject you are taking, there should be a tab telling you that you are able to download the past papers and mark schemes. I really reccomend printing them out, and doing them once you have finished revising. Don't just do one either, take a few, so topics from all over the subject will appear, and you can find your weakness's and target them!
8. Take a break!
I know how desperate you are to spend the whole day revising, but it won't be as efficient. It's proven (somewhere, I think!) that by taking a break every hour or so to relax, have a drink and recap over the things you've learnt you will take much more information in!
Good luck on your exams, and remember, while they do seem important now, there is nothing more important than your own well-being, so always put yourself first. If you don't feel like revising, try not to force yourself into it. It is reccomended that you revise at some point, but don't push yourself over the limit.

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